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The meeting took place at a community centre called the "Trefpunt", i.e. the meeting point. I'm not sure why they want passers-by to honk at my wife, though.
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Yet another beautiful Amigaized car, this one a Porsche 944, was parked outside the centre.
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Nice paint job! The Porsche was owned by Marvin Droogsma, BTW.
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Inside, lots of people are buzzing around, playing with and talking about their favourite computers. Here it is Sharwin Raghoebardayal of CoyoteFlux with his famous Amiga hat.
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Davy Wentzler, "DaveAE", was there showing his wondrous Audio Evolution 4 running native under OS4 on his MicroA1 in a beautiful case. No, that's not Davy there on the right - it's Robin, 8 year old son of show organizer Ron van Schaik.
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Background, standing: Sharwin, Mark Janssen, Bart van der Meer, and isn't that the other CoyoteFlux brother, Rakesh?
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Partly the same group of people. To the left of Sharwin is Ji Yong Dijkhuis, who caused the opportunity for me to attend this event.
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A small group of the many people showing various Commodore stuff. In the far corner, Computer City had a stand with some of their products for sale, and with a prototype of the AHT Ariana running.
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Ron van Herk, owner of Computer City, giving me a closer look at the Ariana. It's a sort of computer cum HD video recorder, capable of recording two different TV programmes simultaneously, and built around an embedded-class PPC CPU running at about half the speed of an A1 XE. It will come with AROS some time next year. - Someone should do something similar with a MicroA1 ...
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Another angle of the room, another group of eager users.
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Jens Schönfeld chatting with a customer.
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Jens Schönfeld's "shop table".
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Part of the exhibition room. Neatly in sequence, you have your 1000, 2000(s), 3000, 4000.
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And a couple of the juicier ones: The A4000T on the table above the somewhat more rare A3000T. Next to them an A600 and an A1200.
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Also a CDTV and a CD32 were exhibited.
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And next to the A1000, an A1200 was generating some nice graphics; hard to see here, though.
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Another look at the A4000T and the A600.
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Back in the main room. There in the lower left corner, an SX-64, the "portable" version of the C64.
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Davy Wentzler, author of Audio Evolution.
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Mark Janssen with his MicroA1 with the OS 4 Prerelease.
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Mark looking at Mark. Meanwhile we can have a peek inside his MicroA1.
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Meeting's over, time to pack up and go.
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