1: Bill McEwen speaks.
2: Bill McEwen presents the plans about creating the future Amiga, AmigaOne.
3: Bill entertains with some demos of some sort.
4: More demos.
5: And yet more.
6: Bill autographing some posters for the fans.
7: Bill taking questions from the room.
8: Martin Steigerwald, Jochen Becher and Jürgen Haage demoing AmigaOS 3.5.
9: Crowd at OS3.5 demo.
10: Jochen Becher and Martin Steigerwald.
11: Jürgen Haage and Jochen Becher.
12: Petra Struck and her crew at the Amiga-news.de stand, and next to them Rolf Tingler of Airbrush Paradise Tingler, embellishing anything from mice to cell phones.
13: Petro Tyschtschenko joins Petra.
14: Ready for drawing the raffle winners.
15: Mixing well.
16: Don't peek now!
17: Better do this right, they're all watching me.
18: Petro congratulating a lucky winner.
19: And another one.
20: Jens Schönfeldt's stand.
21: Jürgen Haage with family at H+P's stand.
22: Martin Strobl, CoolBits.
23: Previewing StormC and AmigaWriter at H+P's stand.
24: The Horbach family at the stand of KDH Datentechnik.
25: A view of a section of the hall.