Pictures from the World of Alternatives 2000 show in Neuss

These are my pictures from the World of Alternatives 2000 show in Neuss, Germany.

These slides have been sitting unscanned for many years, and not until preparing to go to the Amiga 30 year event in Neuss in October 2015 did I get around to scanning them.

I have of course forgotten a lot of names and facts over the past 15 years, so my descriptions are not up to my preferred standard, for which I ask for your forgiveness.

Nevertheless, I thought it would be fun to see these old slides today and remember the days once more.

Niels Bache ( Niels Bache

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Version with frames (if you can)
All slides in one page - for those with more memory than desire to be online

Bill McEwen speaks.Slide 1 Bill McEwen presents the plans about creating the future Amiga, AmigaOne.Slide 2 Bill entertains with some demos of some sort.Slide 3 More demos.Slide 4 And yet more.Slide 5 Bill autographing some posters for the fans.Slide 6 Bill taking questions from the room.Slide 7 Martin Steigerwald, Jochen Becher and Jürgen Haage demoing AmigaOS 3.5.Slide 8 Crowd at OS3.5 demo.Slide 9 Jochen Becher and Martin Steigerwald.Slide 10 Jürgen Haage and Jochen Becher.Slide 11 Petra Struck and her crew at the stand, and next to them Rolf Tingler of Airbrush Paradise Tingler, embellishing anything from mice to cell phones.Slide 12 Petro Tyschtschenko joins Petra.Slide 13 Ready for drawing the raffle winners.Slide 14 Mixing well.Slide 15 Don't peek now!Slide 16 Better do this right, they're all watching me.Slide 17 Petro congratulating a lucky winner.Slide 18 And another one.Slide 19 Jens Schönfeldt's stand.Slide 20 Jürgen Haage with family at H+P's stand.Slide 21 Martin Strobl, CoolBits.Slide 22 Previewing StormC and AmigaWriter at H+P's stand.Slide 23 The Horbach family at the stand of KDH Datentechnik.Slide 24 A view of a section of the hall.Slide 25

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